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Asking for customers’ IČO/DIČ numbers

If your store is based in the Czech Republic or Slovakia, you’re required by law to collect IČO numbers from your local business customers, and you may also collect their DIČ numbers. You can enable a special block at checkout to allow B2B customers to provide their tax information when placing orders.

To ask for customers’ tax information at checkout:

  1. From your store admin, go to Settings → Taxes & Invoices.
  2. Scroll down to Settings.
  3. In the business model settings block, specify who your customers are: Businesses and direct customers (B2B and B2C) or Businesses only (B2B):


  4. Click Save.
  5. Enable the Ask for buyers’ tax information at checkout toggle below.
  6. The changes will be saved automatically.

That’s it! Now your local business customers must provide their company name and IČO numbers when placing an order, and they can also provide their DIČ numbers.

Business customers from other EU countries will be able to enter their VAT IDS to get the VAT reverse charge.

Here is how the tax information block will look at checkout:


Your individual customers will simply continue with checkout without filling out any tax ID fields, and customers from non-European countries will not see the tax information block at all.

Tax information provided by customers will be saved in the order details in My Sales → Orders for your future reference. You can export it if you need.

Related articles:

Setting up taxes
Creating tax invoices

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